The Psychology of The Villain

The villain is the most captivating and intriguing of all archetypes. Much is known about the self-sacrificing nature of the hero archetype, and his courage to accept the call to adventure in order to overcome his worst fears. The hero—as a depiction of perseverance and righteousness, always acquires the spotlight in a story. However, heContinue reading “The Psychology of The Villain”

The Psychology of The Devil

God and the Devil, are the two fundamental patterns of human existence. The path of light: good, truth, beauty, life, heaven, and salvation, and the path of darkness: evil, deception, betrayal, rebellion, negation of life, hell, and damnation. Introduction The reality of evil is a source of deep and uncanny fascination. In fact, it seemsContinue reading “The Psychology of The Devil”

The Psychology of The Fool

The fool is one of the most relatable, intriguing and recurring figures in the world. There have been fools who have caused surprise and laughter since time immemorial. We worship folly by seeing it in people and in the world and by willingly displaying it in ourselves. It is one of the timeless archetypes, whichContinue reading “The Psychology of The Fool”

The Psychology of Nightmares

Nightmares. We all have them. But what exactly do they mean? Why do we have bad dreams? Is there any psychological meaning behind them? Nightmares are the source of much of the horror we see in stories, myths, movies and games. They are an encounter with the dark side of the unconscious, which often includesContinue reading “The Psychology of Nightmares”

The Psychology of The Shaman (Inner Journey)

“The lifeway of the shaman is nearly as old as human consciousness itself, predating the earliest recorded civilisations by thousands of years. Through the ages, the practice of shamanism has remained vital, adapting itself to the ways of all the world’s cultures… The shaman lies at the very heart of some cultures, while living inContinue reading “The Psychology of The Shaman (Inner Journey)”

The Psychology of The Wounded Healer

One must be wounded to become a healer. Many people, however, experience suffering and do not become healers; practically everyone could become a healer if it depended only on the experience of suffering. It is only by overcoming suffering and having been wounded that one may become a healer. We have to follow the wayContinue reading “The Psychology of The Wounded Healer”

Journey to Hell – The Path to Self-Knowledge

Mankind has speculated about the afterlife since the dawn of civilisation. In Duat, the Egyptian underworld, the hearts of the dead were weighed against a feather. The heart was considered as the most important of the internal organs, and the source of human wisdom, which could reveal the person’s true character. If the heart weighedContinue reading “Journey to Hell – The Path to Self-Knowledge”

Loneliness, Emptiness, Anxiety in Modern Society

Loneliness, emptiness, and anxiety – these are the main complaints American existential psychologist Rollo May encountered over and over from his patients. In 1953, May published Man’s Search for Himself, in which he explores these problems – that are perhaps more relevant than ever in our modern age. When society can no longer give usContinue reading “Loneliness, Emptiness, Anxiety in Modern Society”

The Psychology of Projection

Projection is a psychological fact that can be observed everywhere in the everyday life of human beings, whether you are having a conversation and someone tells you that you are projecting, or the first impressions you have of a particular person that turned out to be wrong. In our ideas of other people and situations,Continue reading “The Psychology of Projection”

The Hero’s Journey: Experiencing Death and Rebirth

“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.” Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth Joseph Campbell was influenced by Carl Jung’s analytical psychology and his extensive work in comparative mythology and religion covers manyContinue reading “The Hero’s Journey: Experiencing Death and Rebirth”